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First Post - Aou Roques

Updated: May 8, 2019

Setting Up the Potager

Preparing the potager

We have recently celebrated our first three months at Aou Roques. It has been a busy time of installing ourselves and our things and preparing the gite. Our first guests left a couple of weeks ago and we loved having them. While the gite is empty, the house has been full with family and friends staying. With Spring well on, we have been busy preparing the potager to ensure a constant supply of fresh produce throughout the summer. Everyone has a potager around here and our farmer neighbour has a massive one. I knew it was time to start digging when I saw him out with his ginourmous rotavator which was as big as some people's drive-on mowers. Ours will be a more conservative affair this year. Not only are we starting from scratch, we are not sure the best location and want to see how we get on the first year. Having cleared an area the size of a boule court, I feel I might take up our neighbour's offer of his 'mini' rotavator to save the back. At the moment it looks like the above.

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