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Bassoues - a village in the heart of Gers


Updated: Apr 25, 2019

Today we visited three charming villages in the Armagnac area of Gers. The first of these was Bassoues famous for its market hall (halle) The village has an ancient dungeon, a basilica as well as the old market place, all worthy of a visit. Today was special because our son, Alex, was with us to enjoy its many old buildings and as a trained architect was able to through light on some of their coinstruction. A very enjoyable lunch was had at the Restaurant du Centre opposite the market hall which offered a four course menu with wine for 13 euros. For a village its size, we were suprised to have a choice of two restaurants, one with a view of the countryside and one with a view of the halle. Ours was the latter. After a constitutional down to the lake , we set off for another beautiful village, Aignon which, like Bassoues, has several historic buildings, brocantes and art/pottery shops. Our final stop on the way home was at Termes d'Armagnac, famous for its medieval palace and festival in early August. All in hall the trip was very satisfying, the more because we could catch many good views of the Pyrenees as we drove along the windy roads between villages and although the weather changed a lot, we avoided the rains which had threatened.

The old marketplace in Bassoues with dungeon in the distance

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